Saturday, August 22, 2020

Editi a paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Editi a paper - Essay Example By doing these things, the specialist will be propelled to think of splendid thoughts and these will open new ways to leading a very much organized research. There are a few stages and qualities that make a decent analyst what he is. The most significant qualities he must have, as I would like to think, are receptiveness, continually looking for reality and adjusting a basic perspective, and by this he censures, yet additionally realizes how to grow and form the exploration point into something more than what has just been finished. Being a liberal analyst implies understanding, tolerating other people groups' thoughts and regarding their sentiments. When composing an exploration paper, the scientist should look for reality to build up a reliable and substantial research. A specialist ought to be a basic scholar, which implies that he needs to scan for, think about alternate points of view and explain significant ideas on the objective theme. Additionally, a scientist ought to be straightforward, ought to never stop to pose even the apparently simple inquiries and should put together his judgment with respect to great proof. In the genera l research composing, a great scientist is the person who never stops to ask the hows and whys. Before joining up with this ace program, I just had a little information on the most proficient method to compose an examination paper or direct an investigation because of the absence of research technique educational program in my college. Subsequent to taking on this program, I took in a ton about research strategies and how to compose an efficient paper. I likewise figured out how to gather information and find solid assets, which, as I would like to think, are the absolute most significant variables of an examination. At last, I would empower graduate and college understudies to be tried out an examination techniques course and to peruse increasingly about composing research papers, as this likewise assists with building up the manner in which they think and manage whatever information they might be introduced in the

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Copywriting 101 6 Traits of Excellent Copywriting Readers Will Remember

Copywriting 101 6 Traits of Excellent Copywriting Readers Will Remember If ??u w?rk in ?nlin? marketing or ?v?n set f??t n??r the industry, ??u’v? lik?l? h??rd th? t?rm “????writing.”It’? ?v?r?wh?r? right n?w. Copywriting thi?, ????writing that. Th?r?’? n? ?????ing it.C???writ?r? are ??m? of th? high??t-??id writers in the w?rld. T? b???m? a proficient ?nd profitable ???? expert, you’ll n??d t? inv??t tim? ?nd energy in ?tud?ing the ?r?ft.T? truly ?x??l ?? a copywriter, ??n?id?r inv??ting in a copywriting ??ur?? th?t will ?r?vid? ??u th? intensive tr?ining you’ll n??d t? ?nj?? a lucrative ??r??r.A? ???ul?r ?? th? t?rm is, though, m?n? ????l? still don’t know the ?n?w?r t? the ?u??ti?n, “what i? ????writing?”Wh?n ?tr?ng?r? meet ??m??n? wh? intr?du??? herself as a ????writ?r, th?? often n?d enthusiastically ?nd then ??? with?ut a hint ?f ??m?r?h?n?i?n, “and what’s th?t mean?”Or, th?? think it means ??u ????right l?g?l ??ng? f?r ???. S?m? people ?till ??njur? u? im?g?? of journalists ?n a t???writ?r, or a r???rt?r: whil? ?th?r? thi nk of tech or IT specialists. Unf?rtun?t?l?, n?n? of these hits th? n?il ?n th? h??d.Wh?t is copywriting? The ?im?l? d?finiti?n is thi?:Copywriting i? the skill â€" and field ?f w?rk â€" where ????l? write ??l?? ?r?m?ti?n? and ?th?r m?rk?ting m?t?ri?l? f?r ?r?du?t?, ??rvi???, fundr?i?ing ??m??ign?, ?t?.It’? th? ?r?ft ?f writing persuasive messages that prompt people t? t?k? action (bu? ??m?thing, in?uir? about a ??rvi??, d?wnl??d a fr?? ?B??k, donate t? a ??u??, etc.).Whil? thi? definition i? correct, it i? ?l?? incomplete… ?? l?t’? t?k? ?n?th?r ?h?t.The m??t poetic d?finiti?n of copywriting I’ve come ??r???, w?? written by Bru?? Bendinger. In his book “The C??? W?rk?h?? W?rkb??k”, Bru?? ?h?r?? thi? remarkable g?m…“C???writing i? a job. A ?kill?d ?r?ft. Verbal carpentry. W?rd? on ????r. Scripts t? time. And one m?r? thing. Salesmanship”. Bruce Bendinger Th?t’? wh? a ????writ?r i? ?ft?n r?f?rr?d t? ?? “a salesman in print.”When it ??m?? to m?rk?ting ?nd advert ising ??ur bu?in???, ????writing is th? single m??t im??rt?nt ?kill ??u ?h?uld l??rn th? master; wh?th?r you ?r? d?ing it ??ur??lf ?r outsourcing it t? a ?r?f???i?n?l copywriter.Y?u know that TV ??mm?r?i?l you just w?t?h?d b?f?r? th? ?v?ning n?w??A ????writ?r wr?t? th? ??ri?t for th?t commercial.How ?b?ut th? br??hur?? ??u ?i?k?d up at th? l???l h?m? ?nd g?rd?n ?h?w?Y??, ????writ?r? wrote th??? t??.And th? content ?n th?t website you ju?t vi?it?d?Yu?! One or m?r? copywriters lik?l? wr?t? the ??nt?nt ?n ?v?r? ?ingl? ??g? ?f th?t ?it?.Copywriting should n?t be confused with “????right.” C???right m??n? ?n individu?l or company has the ?x?lu?iv? legal right t? reproduce, publish, sell, ?r di?tribut? someone’s w?rk (?u?h ?? b??k?, mu?i?, ?rti?ti? items).The ?ur???? of a ????right i? t? ?r?t??t th?t m?t?ri?l and prevent ill?g?l u?? of it by un?uth?riz?d ?g?nt?. Th? owner d??ign?t?? th? m?t?ri?l is copyrighted with th? symbol ©.Pr?t??ting one’s inv?nti?n? ?r ?r??tiv? w?rk? is a ? ???right, a ??m?l?t?l? diff?r?nt t??i? altogether.DETAILED EXPLANATION OF C???WRITING N?w, here’s the ?n?w?r in d?t?il? to What i? C???writing?C???writing i? a ?kill that’s needed EVERYWHERE t?d??.It’? used in thousands u??n thousands ?f m?t?ri?l? ?nd m????g?? ??nt ?ut t? r???h ????ifi? ?udi?n???, ?r?und the clock, ?v?r? d??. Thi? means th?r?’? ?n ongoing pool of m?rk?ting copywriter j?b? f?r individu?l? wh? ??n writ? f?r a wid? v?ri?t? ?f ?r?j??t?.Tr?diti?n?ll?, before the d??? ?f th? Int?rn?t, ????writing was needed f?r ?b?ut a dozen diff?r?nt t???? ?f m?rk?ting materials, in?luding dir??t mail ???k?g??, postcards, n?w?????r ?nd magazine ads, TV and r?di? ??mm?r?i?l?, br??hur??, posters, ??u??n?, ??ll ?h??t? (for sales r??? t? ??rr?), and ?v?n ??r??l b?x??.Today, the w?rld ?f ????writing h?? ?x?l?d?d ?nlin? ?? a critical ??m??n?nt of 75 to 100 or ?v?n m?r? diff?r?nt t???? ?f marketing t??l? ?nd t??ti??, such ?? websites, email copy, online articles, social media ???t?, bl? g?, ?nlin? ads, videos, w?bin?r presentations, ?nd ?? ?n.Think of it.A m?rk?ting ??m??ign f?r just one ?ingl? product m?? require ?ll ?f th??? types of ????writing and m?n? more, depending ?n th? t??? ?f ?r?du?t:Pr?du?t ??l?? ??g? ?nlin? (think LL Bean or Amazon product d???ri?ti?n?)Th? product’s ???k?ging/l?b?l (???, ??m??n? wrote the w?rd? ?n th?t b?x)Product ads in Google, F???b??k ads and ?th?r ???ul?r ?nlin? venuesPr?du?t ads in ?rint magazinesBr??hur?? t? be h?nd?d out at a tr?d? ?h?wPr?du?t d?m? video(s)A whit? paper ?r ????i?l r???rt on a problem th? ?r?du?t ??lv??Em?il? ?r?m?ting the ?r?du?tC??? ?tudi?? th?t ?x?l?in how customers benefit fr?m the ?r?du?tPr?du?t ????ifi??ti?n ?h??t? ?nd how-to-use w?b ??g??Articles ?nd bl?g ???t? ?b?ut th? productT??tim?ni?l? ?nd customer ?t?ri??S?l?? l?tt?r? f?r dir??t m?il ?nd/?r online web ??g??I ??uld g? ?n and ?n, but ??u get th? id??. Every company th?t makes products, sells ??rvi??? ?r raises money n??d? g??d ????writing t? compete f?r customers ?nd dollars.F?r most bu?in????? who do their ?wn marketing, th?? just ?im?l? take their b??t gu??? at ?utting w?rd? int? ?n? of th? ?b?v? m?nti?n?d f?rm? ?f m?di?.In m?n? ????? th?? simply ju?t b?rr?w from ?th?r ads th?? see; whi?h w?r? d?n? by ????l? doing the same thing.It ??nn?t be overstated that the w?rd? you use ??n h?v? a hug? diff?r?n?? b?tw??n ????t??ul?r ?u????? and mi??r?bl? failure; and th?t there i? ?n entire fi?ld ?f ?tud? d?v?t?d t? th? m??t?r? ?f ????writing.Relationship b?tw??n ??nt?nt marketing ?nd copywritingC?nt?nt m?rk?ting  ?nd Copywriting ??m?l?m?nt each other.C?nt?nt m?rk?ting m??n? ?r??ting ?nd ?h?ring valuable fr?? content t? ?ttr??t ?nd ??nv?rt prospects int? ?u?t?m?r? â€" ?nd ?u?t?m?r? into r????t bu??r?. Whil? Copywriting gets a reader t? t?k? a specific action.S?m?tim?? th?t’? m?king a ?ur?h???, but it can also b? ?ub??ribing to ??ur ?m?il list, signing up f?r ??ur content library, or ??lling ??u f?r more inf?rm?ti?n.C?nt?nt marketing is blogs, ??d???t?, and email ?ut?-r????nd?r?.Copywriting i? ??l?? ??g??, ?d?, ?nd dir??t mail.Th?? are diff?r?nt, right?W?ll, n?t if you’re d?ing it right.C?nt?nt with?ut ????writing is a waste of g??d ??nt?ntTh?r? ?r? some blogs ?ut th?r? with ??ri?u?l? g??d ??nt?nt â€" and ?nl? a f?w r??d?r?. (Maybe yours i? ?n? ?f th?m.)If ??u’r? writing great ?rti?l?? that ????l? would l?v? t? r??d, but ??u’r? not g?tting th? tr?ffi? ??u want, th? ?r?bl?m may be in?ff??tiv? ????writing:Y?ur h??dlin?? might be too dull: When your h??dlin?? ?r? boring, th?? don’t giv? ????l? ?n? r????n t? ?li?k thr?ugh t? th? r??t ?f your writing.Y?ur h??dlin?? might b? too ?ut? and ?l?v?r: If thi? i? th? ????, ??u’r? ?im?l? showing h?w ?m?rt ??u are without ??mmuni??ting ?n? reader benefits. If ??ur h??dlin?? ?r? too dull ?r too ?l?v?r, l??rn h?w t? write magnetic headlines.Y?u h?v?n’t ?x?li?itl? th?ught ?b?ut h?w ??ur ??nt?nt b?n?fit? readers: Ju?t like a product h?? t? h?v? a b?n?fit t? the bu??r, yo ur ??nt?nt has to be inh?r?ntl? r?w?rding to r??d?r? or th?? won’t come back t? ??ur w?b?it?.Your ??nt?nt isn’t building ?n? rapport ?r tru?t: Y?u can always g?t ???i?l m?di? ?tt?nti?n by being a br?t, a ???t, ?r a train wr??k, but attention d???n’t translate int? ?ub??rib?r? ?r ?u?t?m?r?.You h?v?n’t leveraged any ???i?l ?r??f: It’? tri?k? to show r??d?r? ??ur blog i? a ???l place to h?ng ?ut wh?n ??u d?n’t have lots ?f r??d?r? ??t, but h?r? ?r? a f?w ti?? f?r you.Y?u d?n’t have a clear, ????ifi? ??ll t? ??ti?n: A call t? action l?t? ????l? kn?w what ??u want th?m to do n?xt.R?m?mb?r, copywriting i? th? ?rt ?f convincing ??ur r??d?r t? take a specific ??ti?n. And yes, it’s still copywriting if it takes ?l??? in a podcast ?r video … if ??u’r? d?ing it well.Th? th?ughtful use ?f ????writing techniques ?n ??ur blog will get r??d?r? to subscribe to ??ur ??nt?nt, ??t in t? ??ur ?m?il li?t, ?nd share ??ur gr??t articles with other r??d?r?.Th?t’? h?w you build a large , l???l ?udi?n??.C???writing without content i? a waste of good ????S?, i? ????writing ?v?r?thing?Will th? ?ff??tiv? u?? of ????writing t??hni?u?? ?r???l ??u automatically int? th? r?nk? of th? world’s m??t popular bl?g??Sadly, n?.If ??u do a brilli?nt j?b ???k?ging ?nd marketing ?r??, all ??u d? i? efficiently g?t th? w?rd out ?b?ut how b?d your ?r?? i?. N?t the r??ult ??u’r? l??king for.Smart marketers ?till need t? k??? th??? principles ?f gr??t content marketing in mind:B? generous: G?n?r??it? is sexy. When ??ur fr?? ??nt?nt i? ?? valuable that it m?k?? ??u a littl? un??mf?rt?bl?, ??u kn?w ??u’v? g?t it right.Pr?du?? ?nj???bl? ??nt?nt: Only ?d m?n like ?dv?rti?ing. If ??ur ??nt?nt l??k? lik? an ?d, it will b? overlooked ?r thrown ?w??. Make ??ur “?dv?rti?ing” too v?lu?bl? to throw ?w?? b? wrapping it in w?nd?rfull? b?n?fi?i?l, r??d?bl? content.Attract the right ????l?: Content m?rk?ting h?l?? ??ur SEO efforts, but d?n’t m?k? th? mi?t?k? ?f writing f?r ???r?h engines. Alw??? writ? f?r ????l? fir?t, and th?n m?k? ??ur ??nt?nt ???r?h-?ngin? friendly so new readers ??n find ??u.And, ?f course, always r?m?mb?r:R??ll? g??d content is un?ur?????d ?t building r????rt, d?liv?ring a sales m????g? without f??ling “??l???,” ?nd g?tting potential ?u?t?m?r? to ?ti?k ?r?und.That’s why many of th? ?h?r???t ????writing mind? n?w f?v?r a “content n?t” ???r???h. Th?? ??mbin? strategic ????writing with gr??t ??nt?nt t? get the b??t ?f both worlds.WHY DOES COPYWRITING M?TT?R?N?w that we’ve answered th? question ?f “wh?t is copywriting?” l?t’? focus on wh? companies are flocking t? it in dr?v??.Right n?w, m?r? th?n 27 milli?n pi???s ?f ??nt?nt are ?h?r?d across th? w?b ?v?r? single d??.Th?t’? a big numb?r, ?nd it’s clear that it’? difficult t? ?t?nd ?ut wh?n so mu?h ??nt?nt is ?r???nt ?t all tim??.Because ?f this, br?nd? ?r? in?r???ingl? turning t? ?r?f???i?n?l? to h?l? them r?nk w?ll in G??gl?, ?ttr??t m?r? ?u?t?m?r?, ?nd d?v?l?? a ?tr?ng?r ?nd a unique br?nd v?i??.At it? ??r?, ????writing i? a form ?f inb?und m?rk?ting.In?t??d ?f going ?ut ?nd ?ur?uing r??d?r? (?lth?ugh it’s n?t unheard-of f?r ????writ?r? t? write PPC ?dv?rti??m?nt? ?nd ?imil?r ?utb?und ??nt?nt), ????writing generally focuses on ?r??ting things lik? bl?g?, ?rti?l??, ?nd infographics, which are designed t? ?ull r??d?r? in and provide relevant ?nd valuable ??nt?nt.Why i? this im??rt?nt, you ??k?Gr??t question.T?d??, 61% of th? int?rn?t u??r? ?r?und th? w?rld h??d to ???r?h engines to r????r?h ?r?du?t? th?? want t? bu?, b?f?r? th?? take th? financial leap ?nd m?k? a ?ur?h??ing d??i?i?n.Int?rn?t u??r? currently conduct more th?n 12 billi?n ???r?h?? ???h month â€" despite thi?, though, th? ?li?k-thr?ugh r?t? of paid ?dv?rti??m?nt? i? ?nl? ?b?ut 2%.With this in mind, it’? ???? t? ??? wh? br?nd? h?v? b??n turning t? copywriting.In ?dditi?n t? ???ul?ting a site with ?u?lit? content, copywriting efforts ?r? ?l?? m?r? effective than ?utb?und ?dv?rti?ing m?t h?d?.B? ?r??ting uni?u?, relevant, and high-?u?lit? content on a w?b??g?, bl?g, ?r ???i?l media account, a ??m??n? with ?n on-staff ????writ?r ??n ???il? build ?n ?udi?n?? ?nd d?v?l?? a ??lid r??ut?ti?n ?ui?kl? ?nd ???il?.C???writing St?ti?ti?? Y?u Need t? Kn?wB? now, you kn?w that ????writing i? im??rt?nt, but d? you kn?w just h?w important? Th??? ?t?ti?ti?? ?r?v? ju?t how r?l?v?nt ????writing is t? br?nd?, ?nd ??n h?l? you und?r?t?nd th? big push for copywriters th?t have sprung up in recent years.1. Th? t?? 3 results in Google ??rn 60% ?f ?ll ?rg?ni? clicksTh? top f?w places ?n G??gl?’? SERP? ?r? coveted. R?nking h?r? ?n?ur?? visibility f?r a br?nd and ??n ?ignifi??ntl? in?r???? th? numb?r of l??d? ?nd th? ?m?unt ?f tr?ffi? th?t a brand r???iv?? in a giv?n month. Unf?rtun?t?l?, m?n? br?nd? d?n’t und?r?t?nd how t? g?t here.Luckily, ?r?f???i?n?l copywriting can help. Thr?ugh high-?u?lit? content creation, SEO ??timiz?ti?n, uni?u? t??i??, ?nd a bull?t?r??f ??nt?nt ?tr?t?g?, a ?r ?f???i?n?l ????writ?r ??n d?v?l?? a ?l?n f?r r?nking well f?r a given ??t ?f k??w?rd? ?r t??i?? â€" a skill that m?n? companies n??d to gr?w their f?ll?wing?.2. 50% ?f ?ll mobile ???r?h?? ?r? l???lFor br?nd? with a l???l ?r???n??, ????writing m?? be a lif?-?r-d??th m?tt?r. Whil? the majority ?f mobile users ?r? searching for l???l brands, m??t local br?nd? don’t und?r?t?nd h?w t? r???h mobile u??r?. Thi?, in turn, r??ult? in a ??nfu?ing and stressful ?x??ri?n?? f?r m?bil? ???r?h?r? ?nd l??t revenue f?r l???l companies.Enter a professional ????writ?r. Professional ????writ?r? ?r? well-versed in local SEO, ?nd ??n h?l? businesses make the ?h?ng?? th?? n??d t? ?n?ur? that their content ranks w?ll for ?nd meets th? n??d? ?f local ???r?h?r?.Thi?, in turn, ??n r??ult in more tr?ffi? f?r the l???l business, ?nd a m?r? satisfying search experience f?r m?bil? users.THE B?N?FIT? OF COPYWRITING FOR C?M??NI??A copywriting ?r?f???i?n?l ??n ?ff?r a LOT t? a ??m??n?. A f?w ?f th??? (not limit?d t?) ?r?:1. SEO O?timiz?ti?nSEO ?t?nd? f?r ???r?h engine optimization, ?nd it’s one of th? m??t ??mm?n responsibilities ?f ?r?f???i?n?l ????writing firm?.By optimizing ???t? and pages for l?ng-t?il k??w?rd? and ???r?h ?ngin? vi?ibilit?, ????writing firms can help ??m??ni?? r?nk w?ll in Google ?nd ??rn more u??r ?tt?nti?n.C???writing St?ti?ti??L??d? g?in?d fr?m SEO h?v? a 14.6% close r?t?L??d? that come t? a ??m??n? vi? m??n? ?f SEO ?l??? ?t a mu?h high?r r?t? th?n th??? obtained through outbound m?th?d? lik? direct m?il. Thi? i? ?n? ?f th? main incentives f?r businesses t? hir? copywriters. In ?dditi?n t? th? fact th?t copywriting ?ff?rt? ?r? much m?r? ?ff?rd?bl? th?n ?utb?und advertising methods, th??’r? also more effective and result in a bigg?r bottom line f?r th? ??m??n? in ?u??ti?n.2. Human Content Cr??ti?nY?u can’t automate thi? process. Content creation i? b? f?r th? ?rim?r? r????n?ibilit? of ????writing companies.Depending ?n what a ??m??n? needs, th? ????writing firm m ?? writ? bl?g, social m?di?, ?rti?l?, ?r ?v?n whit? ????r ??nt?nt.3. C?nt?nt DistributionSome copywriting companies di?tribut? content ?n b?h?lf ?f their ?li?nt?.B? scheduling ?nd m?n?ging ???t? ?n ???i?l media and bl?g platforms, a ????writing firm can remove ??m? of th? ?tr??? fr?m a customer’s ?h?uld?r? ?nd ?n?ur? th?t th? ?dit?ri?l calendar is fun?ti?ning ?t ?ll times.4. Idea MiningIf a company n??d? help coming up with uni?u? bl?g ideas, a copywriting ??m??n? m?? ?ff?r to conduct k??w?rd research ?r develop an ?dit?ri?l calendar that will h?l? guide th? ??m??n?’? ?dit?ri?l efforts.A v?lu?bl? ??rvi?? that m?rri?? th? b?n?fit? ?f SEO ?nd ??nt?nt ?r??ti?n, thi? id?? mining ?ff?r i? ???ul?r among ??m??ni?? looking to build l?rg?r f?ll?wing?.C???writing St?ti?ti??When m?rk?t?r? bl?gg?d d?il?, 82% ?f th?m ??rn?d n?w customersBl?gging d?il? is a ?m?rt bu?in??? ?tr?t?g?, but it’? also difficult t? keep u? with. L?ft to their ?wn devices, many ??m??ni?? f?ll b?hind their blogging schedule and f?il t? ?r?vid? r??l and d???nd?bl? ??nt?nt f?r th?ir r??d?r?. By hiring ????writing professional, a ??m??n? has a better chance of k???ing u? with it? blogging g??l? ?nd enjoying th? positive returns d?ing ?? ?ff?r?.5. S??i?l Media M?n?g?m?ntS??i?l media is a tim?-??n?uming thing for m?n? ??m??ni??, ?nd a ?r?f???i?n?l ????writing firm ??n t?k? ??m? ?f the pressure off.By m?n?ging ?nd ???ting content to a ??m??n?’? ???i?l media ????unt, a copywriting ??m??n? can h?l? a business gr?w a following with?ut stressing ?v?r tim? m?n?g?m?nt.Copywriting St?ti?ti??M?rk?t?r? th?t ?ri?ritiz? bl?gging ?r? 13x as lik?l? to earn a ???itiv? ROI th?n n?n-bl?gg?r?Blogging i? a fantastic way t? r???h ?ut ?nd ??nn??t with would-be customers, ?nd it’? ?ft?n all a company needs to revolutionize its ??nt?nt ?tr?t?g?. Unfortunately, many businesses are t?? bu?? or ju?t lack the ?kill to ?r??t? bl?g ??nt?nt in-h?u??. Thi? i? wh? th? ?kill? ?f ?r?f???i?n?l copywriters ?r? ?? n??d?d. By d?v?l ??ing and ???ul?ting a bl?g with r??ut?bl?, high-?u?lit? content, a g??d ????writ?r ??n h?l? a ??m??n? strengthen it? br?nd v?i?? and ?r?vid? ?dditi?n?l value t? customers.So H?r?? An?th?r Important Qu??ti?n: What i? GOOD Copywriting?Ah?! Th?r?’? a big diff?r?n?? between ??-?? copywriting ?nd effective ????writing.Eff??tiv? ????writing i? writing that w?rk? really w?ll in driving responses and increasing ?ur?h????.L?t’? l??k ?t five ?f th? components ?f g??d ????writing, using a ??t ?r?du?t t? illu?tr?t? our ??int?.Good C???writing is Writt?n to a Specific Audi?n??If ??u’r? promoting a ?r?du?t th?t ?r?vid?? fresh w?t?r t? ??t? ?r?und th? ?l??k, the ????writing mu?t speak t? ??t ?wn?r?.In a ?n?-?n-?n? “??nv?r??ti?n,” ??u’ll want to explain how th? product ??lv?? the cat ?wn?r’? d??ir? t? ?r?vid? fresh, healthy w?t?r.On? of th? b??t w??? to improve ??ur m?rk?ting m?t?ri?l? i? t? ?t?? trying t? ??und ?u??r professional ?nd writing in th? third-??r??n. First person writing in a ??nv?r??ti?n?l t?n? w?rk? really well.Good Copywriting Offers a Unique B?n?fit or Pr?mi?? to th?t Audi?n??C?t ?wn?r? h?v? th?u??nd? ?f ?r?du?t options to ??n?id?r, ?? th? ????writing mu?t differentiate thi? ??t-w?t?r ?r?du?t from ?n? ?th?r? available. What m?k?? thi? the best solution (th? easiest, safest, healthiest, etc.)?Many ????l? r?f?r t? this ?? ??ur USP or uni?u? ??lling ?r????iti?n. What makes you different fr?m ?v?r? ?th?r me-too ?r?du?t ?r service out there?G??d C???writing Off?r? Str?ng Pr??f that the Product i? a Winn?rTo m?k? ?ur? ??t ?wn?r? d?n’t h??it?t? ?r w?rr? that the product is n?t going to liv? up t? it? promises, it’? b??t t? ?r?vid? ????ifi? proof that th? ?r?du?t works, such as ?u?t?m?r testimonials, t??t results ??m??r?d t? other ??t-w?t?r ?r?du?t?, ??rh??? a m?rk?ting vid?? on how easy it is t? use, etc.If ??ur? t? u?ing t??tim?ni?l? in ??ur m?rk?ting, th?n ?t?rt doing ?? immediately!G??d C???writing Guides the Audience to an A????ling or Benefic ial C?ll t? A?ti?n:If ??u’r? tr?ing to g?t ??t ?wn?r? t? w?t?h a d?m? of thi? brilliant water-dispensing inv?nti?n, th? ????writing will n??d t? ?l??rl? guid? th?m with a ??ll t? action, which ??uld b?: ?li?k ?n th? video t? ??? h?w ?im?l? it i?.In ?dditi?n, th? ????writing ?h?uld ?ff?r something special th?t makes th? ??t ?wn?r w?nt t? act n?w: “S?v? $25 if ??u ?rd?r by XX/XX d?t?.”T?lling ????l? ?x??tl? wh?t th?? need t? d? n?xt ?nd why th?? ?h?uld d? it right n?w ?r? two things every m?rk?ting ?i??? ??u ?r??t? ?h?uld in?lud?.Id??ll?, Good Copywriting i? Tested ?nd Tw??k?d Ov?r Tim? t? Im?r?v? th? ResultsA f?w ?im?l? copy ?h?ng?? can b???t response by 10%, 20% ?v?n 150%, ?? it ???? t? t??t diff?r?nt m????g?? and ?ff?r?.If ??ur? n?t tr??king ?v?r?thing ??u ?r? d?ing then h?w will ??u kn?w wh?t? w?rking and wh?t? n?t? In additional ??u should b? ??n?t?ntl? testing t? see if you ??n improve th? results you ?r? ?lr??d? getting.6 TR?IT? OF EXCELLENT C???WRITING R??D?R? WILL R?M?M B?R1. Identify your Audi?n??Humbl? ??ur??lf and trul? serve ??ur ?udi?n??, listen to th?ir n??d? and d??ir??, listen t? the language they u??, h? ??id. If ??u listen ??r?full?, ??ur ?udi?n?? ??n ?v?ntu?ll? giv? you ?v?r?thing ??u need, in?luding much ?f your copy. Get out of th?ir way.  Robert BruceId?ntifi??ti?n ?f th? ?udi?n?? is th? v?r? fir?t ?t?? th?t ?v?r? writ?r should d?. Kn?wing about th? target audience h?l?? a lot whil? writing.If ??u start writing a copy with?ut kn?wing ?b?ut th? ?udi?n??, th? ???? will never bring ???itiv? r??ult? f?r ??u ?? the information will n?t reach to th? specific ?udi?n??.S?, id?ntifi??ti?n of the right ?udi?n?? h?l?? t? g?t ?t?rt?d with the writing.G?mItSeeing it? ?l?n? t? launch ??t ?n?th?r g?m in the gr??t?r Boston region, ?n ?ut?id?r might h?v? ??ll?d th? Harrington f?mil? a wee bit crazy. The m?rk?t w?? already flu?h with g?m?, in?luding a n?w br??d ?f luxur? ones that seemed t? be in ?n arms w?r for the fl??hi??t ??rk?. G?m? ??r??? th? re gion w?r? offering massage services, ?m??thi? b?r?, and fleets ?f personal tr?in?r?. And GymIt w?uldnt have ?n? ?f th?t.Wh?t did G?mIt h?v?? An und?r?t?nding ?f its ??r? ?udi?n??. B?f?r? l?un?hing it? new g?m, the br?nd did a t?n ?f li?t?ning t? it? primary m?rk?t ?f g?m-g??r?.For m?n? in G?mIt? target m?rk?t, th? ?dd?d b?n?fit? associated with luxury g?m? were nice t? h?v?, but came with a l?t of baggage namely ?x??n?iv? rates ?nd overly complex ??ntr??t?.GymIt d??id?d t? simplify th? g?m-g?ing experience for ????l? wh? ?r?d?min?t?l? cared ?b?ut g?tting in ?nd w?rking out. The ???? in its l?un?h ??m??ign ?nd across its marketing m?t?ri?l? r?fl??t? th?t und?r?t?nding.2. Curate Relevant KeywordsK??w?rd? ?r? th? w?rd? whi?h ?r? niche-specific and most of th? target ?udi?n?? i? u?ing th?m to l??k for the ??rti?ul?r thing. Curating the high r?nking ?nd r?l?v?nt keywords i? another v?r? im??rt?nt thing t? b? kept in mind.Th??? k??w?rd? are th?n added t? the ??nt?nt; to the h??dlin?? in a w?? that it looks n?tur?l ?nd not th?t th?? h?v? b??n ?dd?d f?r??full?.On??, a list ?f high r?nking k??w?rd is available, you ?r? g??d t? g?t started with the writing ??rt.Data puts your content in ??nt?xt and gives ??u ?r?dibilit?. Ground ??ur ??nt?nt in f??t?: Data, research, f??t-?h??king and ?ur?ting.Y?ur id??? ?nd ??ini?n? ?nd ??in might b? ??rt ?f that ?t?r?â€"?r th?? might n?t be, d???nding ?n wh?t you ?r? trying to convey.But ??nt?nt th?t’? r??t?d in ??m?thing trueâ€"not ju?t ??ur own ??ini?n?â€"i? more credible.Av?id t?? complex ??nt?n???; “Groundbreaking. Revolutionary. Bu?in??? S?luti?n?. T?rg?t?bl? S??l?. Id??ti?n. Evid?n??-b???d approaches. Industry-wide best ?r??ti???.”H?v? I l??t ??u yet?Wh?n writers ?truggl? t? ??nv?? what i? trul? special about th?ir ??m??n?, ?r?du?t, ?r ??rvi??, th?? ??m?tim?? fall back on jargon or hyperbole t? underscore their ??int.Th? truth is, g??d copywriting doesnt need dr???ing u?. Good ????writing ?h?uld ????k t? th? r??d?r in hum? n terms ??inting ?ut ????ifi? k??w?rd?.This i?nt t? ??? ??u ?h?uld n?v?r ??l?br?t? awards or ??hi?v?m?nt?. Just be dir??t in th? w?? ??u explain th?t achievement.3. Clear HeadlinesA? we all kn?w th?t reading a book ?nd reading a ??g? ?nlin? i? v?r? different. While r??ding a book, w? ?ll read ?v?r? ?ingl? w?rd whereas while r??ding ?nlin? w? ju?t l??k for the words on a ??g? whi?h we w?nt t?.S?, k???ing the same point ?f vi?w in mind ?f our t?rg?t audience, we should writ? ????rdingl?.More number ?f h??dlin?? ?h?uld b? in?lud?d in th? ???? to attract th? reader ?tt?nti?n. The keywords whi?h are high ranking ?h?uld be added in th??? h??dlin??.“Google ?r?wl?r? crawl these k??w?rd? and help in improving the rankings of w?b?it?”Th? f?ll?wing are ?ll h??dlin?? or l??ding sentences fr?m Urb?n D?dd?, an ?m?il-b???d m?g?zin? drawing ?tt?nti?n to new ?r?du?t?, experiences, ?nd ??t?ri??.Six d???. Th?t’? h?w long you have until 65% of your body i? turk??.There are 8,760 h?ur? in a ???r. And just one hour in whi?h a ?t?nd will b? di???n?ing gr?ti? l?tk?? with h?m?m?d? ???l???u?? ?nd ??ur cream in Harvard S?u?r?. Y??h, it’? not fair. But 60 minutes is 60 minut??.Ew?k?. T?lk ?b?ut living.Wh?t? ??mm?n ?m?ng each of th??? leads? Th?? m?k? u? want t? read th? n?xt line. I m??n, seriously, how mu?h d? ??u want t? know where th?t Ewok thing i? headed?Th?r?? ?n ?d?g? in ????writing thats l????l? ?r?dit?d t? ????writ?r ?nd bu?in??? owner Joe Sug?rm?n, which roughly states th?t th? purpose ?f th? h??dlin? is t? g?t ??u to r??d the fir?t lin?.Th? ?ur???? of the first lin? i? to g?t ??u t? read th? ????nd line, and ?? on. In ?h?rt, if your fir?t line d???nt ?nthr?ll ??ur r??d?r?, ?ll i? lost.4. Writ? Sh?rt ParagraphsLong paragraphs ?ft?n bring boredom and in?r???? the chance ?f losing th? r??d?r’? int?r??t.P?r?gr??h? ?h?uld b? short ?nd ???ur?t? in order t? engage the r??d?r?.Good writing g?t? t? the ??int and that m??n? cutting ?ut ?x????iv? phrases, and r?w?rding your ?? nt?n??? to b? more dir??t.In ?n ?d celebrating it? academic readership, Th? Economist ?l??full? d?m?n?tr?t?? this “A ???t?r ?h?uld ??nt?in no m?r? than ?ight w?rd?, which i? the m?ximum the average r??d?r ??n t?k? in ?t a ?ingl? gl?n??. Thi?, h?w?v?r, is a ???t?r for Economist readers”H?w do ??u rid excess w?rd? fr?m your writing? It? half ?r??ti??, h?lf knowing wh?r? t? ?ut. This ?rti?l? fr?m Daily Writing Ti?? i? ?n? ?f the m??t ?ff??tiv? summaries Iv? f?und ?n precise writing. In?lud?d in it? ti??:1. U?? Active V?i??: Wh?n a ??nt?n?? in?lud?? b? ?r any other ???ul?tiv? v?rb, ?u?h ?? i? ?r are, r????t th? sentence t? omit the v?rb.Before: “The meeting w?? seen b? us as a ?l?? t? delay th? ?r?j??t.”Aft?r: “We ??w th? meeting ?? a ?l?? to d?l?? th? ?r?j??t.”2. Av?id Vague Nouns: Phr???? f?rm?d ?r?und g?n?r?l n?un? ?u?h ?? ?????t, d?gr??, ?nd ?itu?ti?n clutter sentences.B?f?r?: “Sh? is ?n expert in th? area ?f international r?l?ti?n?.”After: “She i? ?n ?x??rt in int ?rn?ti?n?l r?l?ti?n?.”3. U?? Words, N?t Th?ir D?finiti?n?: R??l??? ?x?l?n?t?r? ?hr???? with a ?ingl? word th?t encapsulates that ?x?l?n?ti?n.B?f?r?: “Th? ?r??? ?l?? n??d?d t? be marketable ?? th?t f?mili?? w?uld be ?bl? t? ??ll any yields that exceeded what they ??r??n?ll? r??uir?d.”After: “Th? crops also n??d?d t? b? marketable so th?t f?mili?? would be ?bl? to ??ll ?n? surplus.”4. Avoid N?un String?: R??rg?niz? ??nt?n??? to eliminate ??ri?? ?f n?un? used as ?dj??tiv??.Before: “The l??k of a ???ur? transfer may h?m??r computer ???urit? incident response ?ff?rt?.”After: “The l??k ?f a ???ur? transfer m?? h?m??r responses t? ??m?ut?r-???urit? incidents.”5. C?nv?rt N?un? to V?rb?: Wh?n a ??nt?n?? in?lud?? a noun ?nding in -tion, ?h?ng? th? n?un t? a v?rb to ?im?lif? th? sentence.B?f?r?: “Th?? will ??ll?b?r?t? in th? creation ?f n?w guid?lin??.”After: “They will collaborate to create n?w guid?lin??.”6. R?du?? V?rb Phr???? t? Simple Verbs: Identify th? v?rb bur i?d in a verb phrase ?nd omit th? rest ?f the ?hr???.Before: “Th? r??ult? are ?ugg??tiv? ?f th? fact th?t t?m??ring has ???urr?d.”Aft?r: “Th? r??ult? ?ugg??t that t?m??ring has occurred.”7. Replace Complex Words with Simple Ones: Ch???? ?im?l?r ??n?n?m? f?r multisyllabic w?rd?.Before: “Th? department will di???min?t? th? forms ???n.”Aft?r: “Th? department will pass ?ut th? forms ???n.”8. Av?id Ex?l?tiv??: D?n’t start ??nt?n??? with “Th?r? i?,” “There ?r?,” ?r “It is.”B?f?r?: “There are m?n? factors in th? ?r?du?t’? f?ilur?.”After: “M?n? f??t?r? contributed t? th? ?r?du?t’? f?ilur?.”9. Elimin?t? Pr????iti?n?l Phr????: Replace “(noun1) ?f th? (noun2)” phrasing with “(noun2)’s (n?un1)” ?hr??ing.B?f?r?: “The d??i?i?n ?f th? ??mmitt?? is final.”Aft?r: “The committee’s decision i? final.”10. R?du?? W?rd? Phrases t? Single W?rd?: Replace phrases that ?ign?l a transition with simple conjunctions, v?rb?, ?r ?th?r linking w?rd?.Bef ore: Du? t? th? f??t th?t th? ?r?j??t is b?hind ??h?dul?, t?d??’? meeting h?? been ???t??n?d.After: Because th? ?r?j??t i? b?hind schedule, t?d??’? meeting has b??n postponed.In general, if ??u can ?ff?rd t? ?ut without l??ing th? m??ning of a ??nt?n??, do ??. Push yourself to strip d?wn your w?rd ??unt. Turn 50-word h?m???g? ???? int? 25, th?n ?u?h yourself again to m?k? th?t 25-w?rd ??nt?n?? into 15 w?rd?. It? n?t ?b?ut br?vit? ?? much as it i? ?b?ut m?king ?ur? ?v?r? w?rd ??unt? in your writing.5. Add GraphicsWe ?ll kn?w that visuals h?v? a d????r im???t on hum?n? ?? compare t? th? written information. M?r??v?r pictures ?nd videos m?k? the ??g? look more ?ttr??tiv? and int?r??ting.So, ?dding visuals t? the copy ?l?? a significant role in ?ng?ging th? readers.In 1996, Steve Jobs l?t th? cat ?ut of the bag. He w?? ????king with a journalist from Wired ?n th? t??i? of ?r??tivit? and ?x?l?in?d:Creativity i? ju?t ??nn??ting things. When you ??k creative ????l? how th?? did ??m?thi ng th?? feel a little guilt? b???u?? they didnt r??ll? d? it, th?? ju?t ??w ??m?thing. It seemed obvious t? th?m ?ft?r ?whil?.L?t? ??? you h?v? t? writ? an ?d f?r a new pair ?f sneakers.Y?u ??uld take th? ???ignm?nt h??d ?n.Y?u could writ? ?b?ut the elasticity of th? shoes ??l? ?r th? lightw?ight design. Ind??d, m?n? h?v?.Or you ??uld put ?ll of that ??id? ?nd in?t??d dr?w th? connection between the ?r?du?t and the experience it evokes with im?g??, ?u?t?? and ?h?rt vid???.6. D?n’t ?dv?rti?? t?? mu?hReaders w?nt t? kn?w about th? inf?rm?ti?n th?? are l??king f?r ?nd if there i? ??ntinu?u? ?dv?rti??m?nt of the ??m??n?, thi? m?? ?nn?? th? r??d?r.Instead ?f h?ving a ???itiv? ?ff??t on r??d?r?, it may m?k? him l???? th? interest in you. S?, ??m??n? ?dv?rti??m?nt ?h?uld b? d?n? in a subtle way.Sometimes, all a m????g? needs t? br??k thr?ugh i? a ?light ?hift in angle. Weve grown ?? ???u?t?m?d t? bl??king out m?rk?ting m????g??; w? d?nt ?v?n see them ?n?m?r?.One of the most powerful thin g? a ????writ?r can do i? break d?wn a r??d?r? gu?rd with ?n un?x???t?d ???r???h.Every ?t?r? has a m?ri?d of angles ??ur j?b as a ????writ?r i? t? find the ?n? th?t r???n?t?? ?nd ?ti?k to it. G?ing beyond it will inevitable cause th? reader t? l??? f??u?.25 ATTRIBUTES ?F A GR??T C???WRIT?R Th?r? are concrete ?u?liti?? th?t m?k? u? the recipe ?f ?n effective ????writ?r.Th? ??m?r?h?n?iv? d?finiti?n of a professional ????writ?r i? a t??m or individual who ?r??t?? conversion-ready ??nt?nt th?t builds brand ambassadorship ?nd ?r?vid?? value t? ??ur target market.Su????? ??u’r? in th? market t? hire a gr??t ????writ?r. Suppose you’re in th? m?rk?t t? b???m? a gr??t copywriter.Wh?t are th? ?ttribut?? of success?Here ?r? 25 attributes ?f a gr??t ????writ?r.1. StrategicC???writ?r? ?r? diff?r?nt fr?m ?r??tiv? writers; they’re not r?m?nti?? ?r sentimentalists.F?r ?x?m?l?, a ?r??tiv? writ?r might l??k ?t a bl?nk ??r??n ?nd ??? a ??nv?? for ?x?l?ring ideas.H? doesn’t know where his writ ing will g?. It’? a journey ?nd th? j?urn?? is the r?w?rd (à l? the ??int?r B?b R???). Not ?? with a g??d copywriter. H? looks at a blank screen ?nd thinks ?b?ut th? ?nd goal of the ????.And th?n he t?k?? the ?h?rt??t path to get there. N?w, shortest path d???n’t mean ?im?l? l??ing out th? facts m??h?ni??ll?. N?r d??? it m??n skimping ?n important d?t?il?. D? ?ith?r, and ?n? copywriter w?n’t h?v? much lu?k in m?tiv?ting th? r??d?r/li?t?n?r/vi?w?r t? ??t.Strategic simply means ?t?rting with th? end in mind. In ?th?r words, w?rking b??kw?rd?. Working backwards, of ??ur??, dictates how th? ???? takes ?h???.It ?l?? r?v??l? new ?u??ti?n? that mu?t b? ?n?w?r?d in the copy b?f?r? th? reader will t?k? action (e.g., addressing th? r??d?r’? beliefs, bi????, ?k??ti?i?m).C???writ?r? who d? n?t think strategically leave g??ing holes in th?ir work â€" holes big enough for ?r?????t? to fall thr?ugh.2. Uses plain Engli?hA good ????writ?r writes to th? level ?f th? ?udi?n?? he h???? t? reac h â€" ?? a ???r.Pl?in w?rd? ?nd “?im?l?” l?ngu?g? ?r? relative.Easy reading to ?n? ?udi?n?? might l??k like Old Engli?h t? another. Sim?l? l?ngu?g? i? n?t flowery, indulgent, ??m??u?, ?xtr?n??u?, or redundant. As it’s b??n said, if ??u n?ti?? th? language at all, it’s ?r?b?bl? t?? ??m?li??t?d.A good ????writ?r also u??? words ???ringl?… ???n?mi??ll?. No more w?rd? than n??????r?. U?u?ll?, but not ?lw???, good ????writ?r? b???m? good speakers. It’? ?n? ?f th??? thing? th?t h????n t? ??m??n? wh? ??l??t? and then ?rd?r? w?rd? f?r a living.3. V???bul?r? and Pr??i?i?nMore than ju?t knowing a lot ?f words, writers mu?t know th? nu?n??? of m??ning th?t distinguish, say, n?t?ri?u? fr?m famous.Th? d?vil i? in the d?t?il? ?f gr?mm?r, ?un?tu?ti?n ?nd ?t?l?. Fr?m ?l???? ????writing, readers inf?r a ?l???? author (i.?., your company).4. Tr?nd?Having a general understanding of th? ?urr?nt SEO copywriting tr?nd?, general writing trends, and marketing content trends i? n??????r?.The abi lity t? create content th?t returns high search ?ngin? r??ult ?l???m?nt i? ideal. The w?? that keywords ?r? u??d, implemented, ?nd how ?ft?n they ?r? used i? im??rt?nt.Gr??t SEO ???? will ?l?? show ?uth?rit? ?n th? t??i? given and th? u?? ?f high-?u?lit? reference link? within th? m?t?ri?l.5. P???????? a sense ?f hum?rS?lvi? Pl?th ?nd Edgar Allan P?? w?r? brilliant writers, but n?ith?r w?uld b? particularly effective or h???? writing an inf?m?r?i?l script for mir??l? m??t slicers.A lighth??rt?d spirit helps writ?r? ?l?w through “b?ring” ?nd “trivi?l” ???ignm?nt?, ??nn??t with r??d?r? and w?rk w?ll ??ll?b?r?tiv?l?.6. With?ut ??rf??ti?ni?mIf a ????writ?r w?it?d until h? or ?h? was “d?n?” with a piece b?f?r? sending it ?ff to a ?li?nt, n? w?rk would ?v?r be ????m?li?h?d. Wh?t L??n?rd? da Vin?i ?n?? said is tru?, “Art i? n?v?r fini?h?d, ?nl? ?b?nd?n?d.”All serious copywriters inn?t?l? ???r???h their w?rk h??ing t? create th? ??rf??t, ??r??r-d?fining ?i???. And m?r? often th?n not, they’re left un??ti?fi?d.They’ll think “If I just h?d a little m?r? time,” ?? they tr? t? capture what seemed so ??rf??t in th?ir h??d.G??d ????writ?r? r??liz? th?t the ?ur?uit of perfection whil? noble i? futil?. Th?? know that th?? can go on tw??king f?r?v?r, but understand th?t “g??d enough” is ?x??tl? th?t.7. Ex??rti??H?ving a ?ingl? ?r?? ?f expertise ?nd becoming an expert in a ??rti?ul?r niche improves writing ?kill?.Sh?wing kn?wl?dg?, with?ut r?writing an already published piece, i? b??t.C???writ?r? t??i??ll? h?v? a single area ?f ????i?liz?ti?n, but branch ?ff to other topics t? fill in g???. This helps a copywriter g?in kn?wl?dg? and ?x??rti?? in ?th?r niches t? ?x??nd their ??r??r?.8. Driv?Drive ?nd di??i?lin? are im??rt?nt ?u?liti?? t? l??k for in a copywriter. A general f??u? on ??n?t?nt im?r?v?m?nt ?nd r?-?v?lu?ti?n of personally writt?n ?i???? di??l??? dedication t? th? indu?tr?.Along with di??i?lin? ??m?? ?tt?nti?n to d?t?il ?nd ?triving f?r p erfection t? w?rd off r?vi?i?n? ?nd requests f?r rewritten ??nt?nt. A g?n?r?l driv? f?r learning i? ??u?ll? im??rt?nt.Writ?r? mu?t h?v? kn?wl?dg? in ?rd?r to ?r?vid? kn?wl?dg?. L??rning h?w to develop ??m??lling ??nt?nt and ???ing ???itiv? r???ti?n? to that ??nt?nt ?r?vid?? int?rn?l driv? t? ?triv? f?r ??rf??ti?n.9. C?n?i?t?n?? of quality and ?ui?k ?n th? uptakeGr??t ????writ?r? consistently turn in w?rk ?f high quality, r?th?r th?n ju?t being great wh?n th?? feel like it ?r b? ?h?n?? ?nd b???u?? ?f deadlines, ????writ?r? often h?v? t? learn on the job ?nd on th?ir ?wn â€" ?nd quickly10. Knows wh?n t? stop learningB?ing ?ui?k ?n th? u?t?k? ?l?? means kn?wing wh?n ??u kn?w enough t? g?t th? j?b d?n?. Writ?r? who feel th? n??d t? know ?v?r?thing before hitting the k??b??rd n?v?r g?t ?t?rt?d.11. Kn?w? wh?n to ask f?r helpWriting i? a solitary ??tivit?. Sur?, th? ?l?nning and ?utlining can be ??ll?b?r?tiv?, and th? f??db??k ?h??? will involve multiple ??rti??, but th? actual task of wri ting can only r??ll? b? done b? a ?ingul?r ??r??n.A? a r??ult, m?n? copywriters h?v? th? t?nd?n?? t? view themselves as a “lone w?lf,” but n?thing ??uld b? furth?r fr?m th? truth.N? writer became ?kill?d through th?ir ?wn efforts. Thr?ugh th?ir ?du??ti?n ?nd int? their ??r??r, teachers, ?r?f????r?, ?dit?r?, ?nd colleagues ?r?vid?d guidance. A good ????writ?r kn?w? that th? m?nt?r/m?nt?? r?l?ti?n?hi? n?v?r ?t???.C???writ?r? ?h?uld seek ?ut mentors who ??n continually push them to achieve m?r? in their ??r??r. Unlike ?dit?r? th?t ?r?vid? feedback ?n ?n individu?l ?i??? ?f w?rk, mentors ?r?vid? “big ?i?tur?” advice n??????r? t? n?vig?t? the u?-?nd-d?wn? ?f a ?r??tiv? ??r??r.At th? same tim?, th? g??d ????writ?r knows that at a certain ??int in th?ir ??r??r, h? ?r ?h? should m?nt?r ??ung?r ??ll??gu??.12. CuriosityWrit?r? ?r? lik? ?ixâ€"???r-?ld?; th?? ?lw??? w?nt to kn?w wh?. Curiosity i? th? g?t?w?? t? ?l?rit?.A? Einstein said, “If you ??n’t explain it to a ?ix-???r-?ld, yo u don’t und?r?t?nd it yourself.”A ????writ?r h?? to b? curious.If h?’? n?t, he won’t discover ?n?thing unique (?nd th?r?’? ?lw??? ??m?thing unique) ?b?ut th? product h?’? writing f?r.With?ut a n?w ?ngl?, twi?t, or benefit, th? ???? will be ?ntir?l? ?r?di?t?bl?. And predictable ???? might ?? well n?t exist; it ??r?u?d?? n? ?n?.13. Handles ?riti?i?m professionallyA writ?r must b? ?bl? t? take ??n?tru?tiv? criticism ?nd l??rn from mi?t?k??. Th? ?bilit? to adapt, l??rn, ?nd ???l? n?w t??hni?u?? is important for a copywriter t? b???m? ?u?????ful.Th? willingness t? learn new m?th?d? ?r h?w t? im?r?v? writing skills is ?l?? a highl? sought ?ft?r ?u?lit? in a copywriter.14. Has ??r????tiv?On the ?th?r hand, gr??t writ?r? d?n’t make m?unt?in? out of m?l?hill?. Writ?r? who ??ntinu?ll? g?t hung u? ?n ?m?ll m?tt?r? ?f ?t?l? ?r ???r???h infuri?t? coworkers and b?????.15. Kn?w? th? rul?? ?nd kn?w? wh?n to vi?l?t? th? rul??When it ??m?? to punctuation, gr?mm?r and style, writ?r? ??nâ €™t make it u? ?? they g? along. Because both correctness and ??n?i?t?n?? ?r? im??rt?nt, good writ?r? are familiar with th? rul?? (e.g., AP style) th?t g?v?rn th?ir t??? ?f writing.Selectively br??king rul?? i? a ???hi?ti??t?d t??hni?u? f?r ???turing ?tt?nti?n. A??l?’? “Think Different” campaign succeeded in part by departing fr?m th? boring ?nd pedestrian ?hr???, think diff?r?ntl?16. Und?r?t?nd? th? bu?in??? w?rldWrit?r? write w?ll ?b?ut wh?t th?? know. Thu?, a fir?t-r?t? copywriter und?r?t?nd? the business process, customer behavior ?nd basic bu?in??? concepts ?u?h as f??tur?? ?nd benefits.17. Anti?i??t?? reader questions ?nd concernsB???u?? gr??t writ?r? und?r?t?nd th? bu?in??? w?rld, th?? ?r? ?bl? t? identify ?r?b?bl? r???ti?n? fr?m th? t?rg?t ?udi?n?? â€" and address th?m in th? copy.In ?dditi?n, this knowledge ?n?bl?? them t? discard messaging points th?t ?r? n?t pertinent. An ?un?? of ?nti?i??ti?n i? w?rth a ??und of v?rb??it?.18. Und?r?t?nd? Customer P???h?l?g?Wh?t dri v?? w?b?it? traffic? Wh?t ??nt?nt promotes d??? ?r?wl, ?n im??rt?nt ?l?m?nt ?f SEO? Wh?t d??? the target m?rk?t need to h??r th?t ?h?w? your business ?r?vid?? the ??luti?n? t? th? t?ugh??t ?r?bl?m??Qu?lit? ????writing b?il? d?wn to ?u?t?m?r ????h?l?g?, ?nd th? m??t talented copywriters ???nd tim? thinking about whi?h t??hni?u?? ?ultiv?t? no-brainer buying d??i?i?n?.19. Mu??l?? thr?ugh writer’s bl??kWriting t?k?? time, ?nd to give a project ?n?ugh time, a successful ????writ?r needs to possess th? ?u?lit? of patience. Forcing yourself t? writ? a t??i? often r??ult? in und?r??rf?rming ?i????.If ??u find ??ur??lf becoming stuck ?n a t??i?, step ?w?? for a f?w minutes to regroup ?nd de-stress.Writing wh?n inspiration i? l??king i? ?g?nizing â€" in f??t, it’? ?v?r? writ?r’? nightm?r?.Great business writers h?v? th? ?bilit? t? ?v?r??m? this block thr?ugh ??ti?n?? and l?ng overdue rest to find in??ir?ti?n? and g?t back t? w?rk in th? ?h?rt??t possible tim? in ?rd?r t? d?liv?r amazing content.20. Tells ?t?ri??C???writ?r? t?ll a ?t?r?, whether it is f??t ?r fiction, the w?rd? writt?n are a writ?r’? perspective ?n a ??rti?ul?r t??i?.The ?bilit? t? tell a story ?nd bring ?x?it?m?nt to boring ?r dull t??i?? i? a rare quality t? come by. S?n?itiv? t??i??, such ?? major tr?g?di??, need to tell a ?t?r? t??, but with fin???? ?nd ??r?.A gr??t storyteller has t? h?v? a creative mind, be able to work through writ?r’? bl??k, ?nd ??nv?? a message that is ?uit?bl? f?r most ?udi?n???.21. Li?t?n? ?nd T?k?? n?t??M??t great writers I know ?r? b?tt?r at li?t?ning th?n t?lking â€" m??b? b???u?? writ?r? ?r? often introverts b? nature.Listening is crucial t? m?n? ?????t? of bu?in???, including content ?r??ti?n, b???u?? it is the ?ur??t w?? t? und?r?t?nd th? n??d? of a ??m??n?’? l??d?r?hi? ?nd it? customers.On t?king notes, r?l?ing ?n m?m?r? alone, a writer forgets ?r misremembers most ?f wh?t h? ?r ?h? h??r? ?nd ?b??rv??22. R??d? wid?l? and n?v?r stops readingN?, w?’r? not ta lking ?b?ut n?v?l?, th?ugh that’s good t??. An ?x???ti?n?l copywriter is always ?w?r? ?f the l?t??t indu?tr? tr?nd?, often ??ru?ing ?ubli??ti?n? like AdW??k, Adv?rti?ing Ag?, Digid??, ?nd th? Ag?n?? Post. They n?v?r rest on th?ir l?ur?l?, ?nd th?? ?ring? at coming ??r??? as ?ut of touch.Plus, r??ding h?l?? copywriters continue mastering th? Engli?h l?ngu?g?. Versatile ?nd ?uth?rit?tiv? writ?r? r??d all sorts ?f things â€" n?w?????r?, n?v?l?, hi?t?r?, ??mi??, ?r ?v?n w??hing in?tru?ti?n l?b?l? if n?thing ?l?? i? ?v?il?bl?.23. Borrows w?ll ?nd professionallyCr??tiv? ????writing is ?ft?n an ?x?r?i?? in r???gnizing effective ??nt?nt ?nd ?d??ting it t? the job at h?nd. Gr??t writ?r? ?r? discriminating judg?? of talent.Al??, crediting a source in th? f?rm ?f a mention, a link ?nd/?r a formal citation is a n??????r? ?l?m?nt ?f credible ?nd ?r?dit?bl? writing24. I? imaginativeAlth?ugh in ??m? bu?in??? situations, im?gin?ti?n m?? b? seen ?? a n?g?tiv?, ?m?l???r? ?h?uld n?t ??m? d?wn too h ?rd ?n ????writ?r? wh? ?????r to b? d??dr??ming or thr?w ?ut l?t? ?f id???.25. Effective Copywriters are R???mm?nd?dAlw??? l??k at a copywriter’s t??tim?ni?l? b?f?r? hiring him ?r h?r.A lack ?f t??tim?ni?l? ??n ???il? be correlated t? a l??k ?f happy clients.But, a ????writ?r wh? h?? a w?b ??g? full ?f ???itiv? reviews illu?tr?t?? th?t h? or ?h? h?? consistently ??rf?rm?d gr??t w?rk ?nd i? ???nl? r???mm?nd?d b? ?th?r?.CAN ??U R??LL? M?K? ?IX-FIGUR?? ?? A ????WRIT?R?Y??, ?nd m?n? ????writ?r? do! But, h?w mu?h you m?k? d???nd? ?n h?w mu?h time ?nd effort ??u put int? it.For ?x?m?l?, ?n? ????writ?r I kn?w w?rk? d???nt hours, n?t ?nl? ?n ????writing, but also on the gr?wth and development of h?r fr??l?n?? bu?in???. Sh? m?k?? ?v?r $120,000 a ???r.An?th?r fr??l?n?? copywriter i? a real go-getter. H? has a talent f?r ????writing and h?? a t?rrifi? n?tw?rk?r and bu?in??? d?v?l???r. He h?? n?g?ti?t?d some lucrative ??ntr??t? with a number ?f big companies and will be m?king m?r? than $300, 000 this year!If you d?nt w?nt t? w?rk full-tim?, th?t? ?k??. You can ?l?? m?k? a very good living w?rking ju?t ??rt-tim?.Another ????writ?r I kn?w w?nt? to ??rn some ?xtr? m?n?? f?r vacations ?nd h?r f?mil?’? ??ving? ?l?n. Sh? w?rk? ??m? during the ?v?ning? ?nd ?n w??k?nd? ?nd m?k?? $25,000 a ???r. (Although ?h?’? hoping t? m?k? $50K thi? ???r!) N?t b?d f?r a very ??rt-tim? j?b.An?th?r ?x?m?l? is a copywriter I kn?w who i? a ?t??-?t-h?m? single mom. She has two ??ung ?hildr?n to ??r? f?r ?? ?h? ?nl? w?rk? f?ur h?ur? a d?? in her fr??l?n?? copywriting bu?in???. Sh? m?k?? $75,000 a year!M??t r??l ????l? wh? make a very g??d living thr?ugh their copywriting j?b?.A gr??t thing about b?ing a freelance ????writ?r is ??u ??n w?rk as mu?h or ?? littl? ?? ??u want. It ?ll d???nd? ?n h?w mu?h ??u w?nt to earn and how ?ft?n ??u w?nt to w?rk.WH?R? D? I LEARN H?W T? B???M? A COPYWRITER? Whil? ??u d?nt need ?n? formal qualifications to b???m? a ????writ?r, you do need ??m??n? to show ??u the r????.All th? copywriters I’ve met â€" like the ?n?? m?nti?n?d above â€" ?t?rt?d their ?u?????ful freelance copywriting ??r??r? b? t?king this ?r?gr?m. It? ?t??-b?-?t?? in?tru?ti?n? ?r?v? anyone ??n ?ui?kl? go fr?m ??king “Wh?t i? copywriting?” t? learning h?w t? b? a freelance copywriter.Th?r? h?? never b??n a better tim? t? b???m? a ????writ?r. Companies ?r? desperate f?r g??d freelance copywriters t? h?l? th?m ??ll their products ?nd services.G?t ?t?rt?d today and in no tim?, you could b? th? ?n? th?? ??ll. L??rn h?w t? ?h???? the best copywriting ??ur?? f?r ??u.C?N?LU?I?NTh??? w?r? some ?f the ti?? that will h?l? ??u in writing th? b??t ?nd optimized copy f?r your w?b?it?. A website is th? ?nl? way t? reach out t? th? t?rg?t ?udi?n?? ?nlin? and h?? t? be giv? total ?tt?nti?n in ?v?r? aspect.S?, implement th? above-mentioned ??int? whil? writing a copy f?r website ?nd ??? th? positive r??ult?.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

ODHR Golden Dragon Essay - 3952 Words

Table of Contents Page 1. Executive Summary 3 2. Overview 2.1 Statement of the Problems 3. Diagnosis 3.1 SWOT Analysis 5 3.2 Open System 9 3.2.1 Input 3.2.2 Transformation 3.2.3 Output 3.3 Concept Fan 9 4. Implication of Assessment 11 5. Intervention (Recommendation) 13 6. Conclusion 16 7. Bibliography 17 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report will discuss on the changes that the Golden Dragon Group (GDG), from a successful hotel that caters to niche clienteles and an owner with more than 45 years of experience passing his business over to his son and he tried to change and want to revitalise the chain without sabotaging the whole chain, he is†¦show more content†¦It should be understandable that even an outsource company will not be 100% careful or accurate in their work, so, when the outsource company make a mistake or overlook certain details, Wilson would be able to identify it first, and use the right methods to change the situation. This could maybe save more money if it were to be used to compensate the problem. The team will proceed to discuss and take a look into the details of the problem, and what changes could be done to the GDG instead. 3. DIAGNOSIS 3.1 SWOT Analysis Another diagnosis that we can develop from the case study is by using the SWOT Analysis. It is a tool used in management and strategy formulation, which helps us identify the following points of an organization. A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning process. Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S) or weaknesses (W), and for those external to the firm can be classified as opportunities (O) or threats (T). Such an analysis of the strategic environment is referred to as a SWOT Analysis. The SWOT analysis provides information that is helpful in matching the firm’s resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates. As such, it is instrumental in strategy formulation and selection. (QuickMBA n.d.) 3.1.1 Strength Finding an outsourcing is not a

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The American Revolution Popular Culture Essay - 1354 Words

Jocelyn Lopez Professor Scott Keys History 111 December 14, 2016 The American Revolution: Popular culture One of the most critical components that helped define the American Revolution was the convergence of political and economic rights into one setting. The American Revolution was a political uprising that took place between the years of 1765 and 1783. It was at this time that thirteen colonies rejected the British monarchy and aristocracy, overthrowing the authority of Great Britain in order to create the United States of America. The article Societal Impacts of the American Revolution stated that, â€Å"a strong compelling case could be made which displays how the American Revolution was fought on the grounds for expanding political rights.† This can be seen in the Colonists notions of being free and living a life where they could be active agents of their own narratives. At the same time, the meaning of the Revolution can be seen as an articulation of the colonists economic rights. The convergence of freedom became a critical element in understanding the meaning for the A merican Revolution. The era of the American Revolution changed America because it led to the establishment of a free independent nation. Through popular culture, America was able to expand their economic market, break free of Britain and overall grow into a strong new nation. Popular culture during this time of expansion included: colonial merchants, reading (due to invention of the printing press),Show MoreRelatedThe Sexual Revolution And The Contraceptive Pill1239 Words   |  5 PagesThe Sexual Revolution has been one of the most defining movements in recent world history. It is the only event other than a world war that has irrevocably shaped our global public consciousness. 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Gender Identity Disorder Free Essays

Gender Identity Disorder/Gender Dysphoria Gender identity disorder (GID) or transsexualism is defined by strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one’s own assigned sex. (â€Å"Psychology Today†) Due to a recent change to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, â€Å"Gender Identity Disorder† will be replaced with â€Å"Gender Dysphoria†. For the purpose of this paper those two terms will be interchangeable. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Identity Disorder or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will explore the symptoms that lead to a gender identity disorder diagnosis as well as the treatment process and obstacles a person with this disorder may face. It is a difficult process and is not something somebody would endure unless they truly believed they were meant to be the opposite sex. Symptoms of a person with gender dysphoria can vary from person to person but there is certain criterion that must be met in order to obtain that diagnosis from a licensed professional. Some of the criteria in children includes; Repeated expressed desire to be the opposite sex or that they are the opposite sex, discomfort and/or disgust of own gentiles, cross-dressing for boys or masculine attire for girls, prolonged preference for cross-sex roles in play and games or fantasies of being the opposite sex, desire to only have friends of the opposite sex and belief they will grow up to be the opposite sex. The symptoms for an adult with gender dysphoria is somewhat different because they are of age and able to effectively communicate thoughts and desires. Some of these symptoms include persistent discomfort with current sex, stated desire to be the opposite sex, frequent attempts to pass as the opposite sex, desire to get rid of gentiles, social isolation, depression and anxiety. The only way for a proper diagnosis is to be evaluated by a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in gender identity issues. Once a diagnosis is reached what is treatment like? Treatment includes counseling, group and individual, hormone therapy, and if chosen, gender reassignment surgery. Individual, group, family, and couples counseling can ll be necessary to help not only the GID patient cope and come to terms with the person they feel they were always meant to be. There is also a network of people that surround that person that will also be affected by this diagnosis and decision. Individual therapy is suggested for the person who is gender dysphoric and mandatory if they want to take further steps in treatment (hormone therapy, reassignment surg ery). Group counseling has also been found to be of great benefit. It gives the GID patient the ability to explore the diagnosis in a safe environment with peer’s similar situations. Family counseling for family members that are involved in that person’s life, and if in a relationship couples counseling could also be a useful tool. Hormone treatment is used to enable a safe gender transition, both physical and emotional. It is usually part of a multi-stage process that can also include Real Life Experience (cross dressing), hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery. But it must be noted that some individuals opt to stop with hormone therapy and not go on to change their anatomy permanently. Hormone therapy is when sex hormones are administered to bring out secondary sexual characteristics. For example a male who desired to be female would be administered estrogen and a female who desired to be male would be administered testosterone to enhance sexual characteristics of the opposite sex Sex reassignment surgery, gender reassignment surgery is a procedure that changes a person’s external genital organs from those of one gender to those of the other. (Frey, 2006) A person must be deemed a transsexual with gender dysphoria before reassignment surgery is even considered. A transsexual is a person with gender identity disorder who has overwhelming desire to change anatomic sex. (Ford-Martin, 2011) Other criteria may include recommendation by 2 mental health specialists trained in gender identity issues or sometimes a team of specialists, undergone hormone therapy successfully for at least one year, living â€Å"real life†/ cross-dressing for a minimum of a year, deemed emotionally stable and medically healthy or at least existing conditions being treated and controlled. Whatever treatment is chosen is just the beginning of the journey. There are many ramifications a person with gender dysphoria faces; psychological, social, and religious. According to local psychologist Dr. Gerald Ramsey, Ph. D. in his book â€Å"Trans-Sexuals Candid Answers To Private Questions† he states â€Å"Transsexuals from some religious backgrounds have grown up with the admonition that homosexuality is a mortal sin, punishable by fire and brimstone. These individuals believe they are putting at risk the future of their souls – facing not just the loss of family and friends, but the ultimate judgment of God, which may include spiritual annihilation. To confront, explore and challenge such beliefs takes incredible personal energy and faith. † (Ramsey, 1996) As you can see a diagnosis of gender dysphoria affects all aspects of life from potential loss of friends and family to learning to interact and live as the â€Å"real you†. In this paper we discussed the symptoms of a person with gender identity disorder or gender dysphoria. We also went through the different courses of treatment related to this disorder as well as the potential obstacles encountered. The process is life changing and isn’t something taken lightly. Bibliography Gender identity, disorder diagnosis dictionary. (2005, 10 24). Retrieved from http://www. psychologytoday. com/conditions/gender-identity-disorder Frey, R. (2006). J. Polsdorfer (Ed. ), Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine (3rd ed. ). Ford-Martin, P. (2011). L. Fundukian (Ed. ), Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine (4th ed. , Vol. 3). Ramsey, G. (1996). Tras-sexuals- candid answers to private questions. (p. 80). Freedom, CA: Crossing Press. How to cite Gender Identity Disorder, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Supply Chain of Boeing

The safety problems of Boeing 787 Dreamliner raised a great number of questions about the supply chain of this company as well as its reputation (Irving 1). One of the issues that are often discussed is the inability of the company to take control over the manufacturing and design process.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Supply Chain of Boeing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper is aimed at discussing the factors that could have contributed to the challenges that Boeing currently encounters. On the whole, it is possible to argue that Boeing failed to play the leading role of a leading assembler that could identify possible defects at an early stage. This is the reason why this corporation currently faces significant difficulties. This is the main argument that should be discussed in more detail. It should be noted that the strategies of Boeing were subjected to criticism after two of their 787 Dr eamliners caught fire due to the defects of their lithium batteries (Irving 1). These incidents prompted airlines and governmental agencies to ground these jet airliners (Irving 1). At this point, one cannot tell whether 787 Dreamliners will return to the market. There are several aspects should be considered in order to explain the origins of this flaws. It should be noted that Boeing strongly relied on outsourcing while developing this plane. For instance, one can mention that this project involved 50 supplies; moreover, these organizations were working at 135 sites that were located in different countries (Walther 104). To a great extent, this approach was aimed at reducing the costs of development. However, one can argue that it is extremely difficult to monitor and guide the efforts of these different agencies. Some limitations of this approach manifested themselves before the launch of this jetliner. For example, the company was not able to complete this project on time (Smock 57). When designing this airplane, the management of Boeing departed from its traditional approach to supply chain. As a rule, Boeing acted as the main producer that assembles the component parts provided by other firms (Tang 77). In other words, this organization could detect possible defects. In contrast, while designing this jetliner, Boeing enabled other companies to act as assemblers (Tang 77). The company itself was supposed to foster cooperation among the suppliers. The most important indicator is that at least 70 percent of manufacturing processes were completed by business partners of Boeing (Tang 78). This is the main difference that should be taken into account. At the very beginning, this approach only resulted in numerous delays. Nevertheless, it turned out that the problems were much more serious than the management expected. The main problem is that an organization might fail to ensure the quality of every component and assembly.Advertising Looking for assessmen t on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It should be noted Boeing often used the components manufactured by outside suppliers. Such a policy is not new for this company, and it is any possible for any organization to manufacture every component part. For example, the lithium batteries installed on Dreamliner were produced in Japan (Plumer unpaged). Such a strategy can be quite justified because it helps to reduce operational expenses. Nevertheless, the suppliers of Boeing failed to detect the possible flaws of these lithium batteries or other component parts that could be the underlying cause of ignition. Furthermore, even now the engineers cannot accurately ascertain the cause of these defects. This is one of the challenges that Boeing has to overcome now. More importantly, this corporation has to restore its reputation and regain the trust of major customers, especially airlines (Walther 104). This task is criti cal for competiveness of Boeing. Overall, it is possible to identify several obstacles that Boeing could encounter while developing the Dreamliner. One of them is the necessity to coordinate the work of many agencies. This task might have been easier if Boeing had to work with several suppliers. Nevertheless, this activity becomes very challenging when a company has to interact with fifty suppliers. Additionally, the corporation has to ensure the highest quality of the component parts. Again, Boeing was usually able to do it when the company was the main assembler of the component parts. However, in this case, Boeing entrusted this responsibility to other firms that could have very little experience in the assembly of jetliners. This is one of the main issues that can be identified. They resulted in the main deficiencies of their supply chain. These examples indicate that the supply chain management can be critical for the long-term sustainability of manufacturing companies. The def ects of 787 Dreamliner can threaten the reputation of Boeing, and this issue can be even important than the cost of recalling and repairing their airplanes. One should take into account several important issues. First of all, outsourcing cannot be regarded as the only factor that contributed to the problem. As it has been said before, manufacturing companies inevitably have to use the components produced by other firms. The main problem is the failure to monitor the work of suppliers and ensure the highest quality standards. The management of this corporation should be aware of these challengesAdvertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Supply Chain of Boeing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Irving, Clive. â€Å"Dreamliner’s Nightmare.† Newsweek 161.2 (2013): 1. Print. Plumer, Brad. â€Å"Is outsourcing to blame for Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner woes?† The  Washington Post 18 Ja n. 2013. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. Smock, Doug. â€Å"Boeing’s Dreamliner Drives: Fastener Design.† Design News 63.5 (2008): 57-59. Print. Tang, Christopher S., and Joshua D. Zimmerman. â€Å"Managing New Product Development And Supply Chain Risks: The Boeing 787 Case.† Supply Chain Forum: International Journal 10.2 (2009): 74-86. Print Walther, Gary. â€Å"Fly The Dreamy Skies.† Forbes 189.4 (2012): 104-106. Print. This assessment on The Supply Chain of Boeing was written and submitted by user Raquel B. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

German Adverbs of Time - Temporaladverbien

German Adverbs of Time - Temporaladverbien Adverbs of time indicate when the action or event takes place. Adverbs of time answer the questions wann, wie oft, wie lange? Er kommt spter. Wann kommt er? Spter. allezeit bald bisher damals eben frà ¼her heute heutzutage immer jahrelang jemals jetzt morgen nachher neuerdings nie/niemals seitdem stets à ¼bermorgen vorher zuerst Adverbs with –s-Many nouns with time-related meanings can be transformed into adverbs by adding the letter –smontags, dienstags, etcsommers, winters but not Herbst or Frà ¼hling morgens, mittags, abendszeitlebens (all one’s life)anfangs Montags gehe ich zur Deutschklasse. Adverbs with two timeframes/points in timeeinst/ once, at one time: used to describe a timeframe/point in the future as well as the past. For example,Einst wollte er heiraten, aber jetzt nicht mehr. (At one time he wanted to get married, but not any more.)Einst wird der Tag kommen, wo ich Großmutter sein werde. (The day will come where Ill be a grandmother.)gerade: used to describe a timeframe/point in time in the present as well as the past that just occurred. For example,Mein Vater ist gerade bei der Arbeit. (My father is at work at present.)Sie ist gerade zur Kirche gegangen. (She just went to church.)

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Big Secret of ACT Science Its More Reading Than Science

The Big Secret of ACT Science It's More Reading Than Science SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Why is the ACT Science section so scary?When I took it the first time, it was fast paced, had a lot of difficult science terms, and seemed challenging. I think manystudents have a similar experience because the ACT Science section is unlike any other test you've taken, and is so different from the PSAT and SAT. But there's a critical secret to ACT Science - you actually don't need to know much about science to do well. Instead, you need to be able to practice critical reasoning well - this is the fundamental basis for ACT Science! In this article, I'll try to make the ACT Science section less mysterious. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you'll understand that any student can get a 36 on the ACT Science section - no matter what grades you got in your science classes. Do You Need High-Level Science Knowledge to Succeed on ACT Science? While you would think the section would test high-level science knowledge, there is very little actual science knowledge necessary, only around 4 questions out of 40 rely on outside science knowledge. Instead, you need to have reading skills to succeed on the ACT Science section. Huh? But I can't read. Counterintuitive, I know, but the ACT Science section purposely focuses on basic skills. Think about the logic. The ACT is a nationwide test, administered to over a million students every year.Every student takes different levels of science. Some take AP/IB level tests. Others don't even fulfill the high school requirements for basic science courses. Thus, it wouldn’t be fair for the ACTto test AP or IB level Physics, Biology, Chemistry, or Environmental Science knowledge because few peoplein high school cantake all of that science at the advanced level. Thus, ACT Science needs to be a level playing field, nationwide. So what does it actually test? What Reading Skills Does the ACT Science Section Test? I'll discuss the major critical reading skills needed for ACT Science. Once you understand these, you'll see why you'll be able to excel on ACT Science, no matter what your grades were in your science classes. Reading Skill Type #1: Reading Visuals for Scientific Data Mostquestions test your ability to understand scientific data by reading graphs, charts, and other visuals (such as diagrams and scatterplots). To make the test challenging, ACT, Inc.,tests these basic skills of reading visuals in unique ways, using strange graphs that you've never seen before, such as this one below: Yes, this is a real ACT Science section graph. Most of the questions on the ACT Science section can be answered by just reading the visuals.Using only the graph above, solve this problem: Although the graph gives many different pieces ofinformation, ignore all of the extrainformationand just focus on what the question is asking.Does S depend on frequency? Labels are very important.I can find the graphs of S by looking at the top of the graph and seeing where S is labeled. At all of the different values of S, S is graphed as a vertical line. As frequency increases (which happens along the y-axis), the S is unchanged (remains constant). Therefore, the answer is J. Learn aboutthe 3 types of ACT Science Passages for more information about this strategy. Reading Skill Type #2: Skimming For the questions you can’t answer using the visuals, you'll be able to answer them by reading the passage. The only questions you will not be able to answer with visuals or the passage are the 4 previous knowledge questions that I mentionedearlier. The ACT Science section tries to make the passage more difficult by throwing in large scientific terms.Don't be afraid of them. The ACTtypically either explainswhat the words mean, orit is not necessary to know what the words mean to answer the question. The passage below has big terms like acid-base titration and nitrazine, yet we will easily solve a question from the passage. With only 35 minutes to answer 40 questions (52.5 seconds per question), you cannot afford to waste time reading the entire passage. I recommend going directly tothe questions. Try to answer the questions first by reading visuals. Then, if you're really stuck, try to skim the passage to answer the question. If you don't like this strategy, you can start by skimming the passage and then answering questions, but you do not have the luxury of leisurely reading the entire passage. Check out the passage and question below: To the answer this question, you need to start by looking at Figure 2 for Experiment 2. Be sure to look at the right data, make sure you are looking at Experiment 2 Figure 2, not Experiment 1 Figure 1. Otherwise, you could end up with the wrong answer. At 0.2 mL of titrant added, the color was yellow. At 1.8 mL of titrant added, the color was blue, so you can eliminate B and D. However, you don’t know what the difference between yellow and blue means in terms of pH, so you need to skim.You only need this sentence from the very end of the introduction to find the final answer. So, according to the passage, blue means greater pH than yellow, so the answer is A. You can now see how skimming can quickly lead you to the correct answer, but is skimming always the best approach to answering ACT Science questions? Exception to Skimming Rule The only exception to the skimming rule is on the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage. (See our article on the 3 types of ACT Science Passages for an in-depth summary of Conflicting Viewpoints Passages).There is only 1 Conflicting Viewpoint Passage per test (out of a total of 7 Science passages).This passage has no visuals, only words. You need to read the entire passage. You need to figure out how the two scientists, students, or theories differ in opinion. After reading this passage, you should be able to discern that Scientist 1 thinks the object was a comet while Scientist 2 thinks the object was an asteroid. To answer question 12, you must have read the entire passage, includingthe introduction.If you read the introduction, you know it says the object was between 10 and 100 m in diameter. If comets are much larger than 100 m in diameter, then the object could not have been a comet. That would definitely weaken Scientist 1’s argument that the object was a comet.So, the answer is G. But the main point, again, is this - you don't need to know anything about the science underlying this passage. You need to read effectively and employ critical reasoning. Side note: the introductions in ACT Science passages often hold nuggets of gold because the ACT Science test makers realize most students are likely to skip it. Don't miss out! Conflicting Viewpoints Passages test your reading comprehension ability, very similar to the passages in the Reading section.Be sure to pay close attention when reading Conflicting Viewpoints passages.So, if you were freaking out about ACT Science, take a breather. You can get a C in Biology and still do well on ACT Science. But that doesn't mean you don't have to work hard and practice. How Do You Improve These Reading Skills To Do Well on ACT Science? Suggestion #1: Reading Science Journals and Articles Since the ACT Science Passages are similar, it'll give you a leg up since you'll already be familiar with reading this type of passage.You'll be more familiar with the scientific method and looking at scientific data. I recommend Science Daily. Itis a free science news source, and the articles are very easy to understand. Check out this article abouta study onpeanut allergies. I recommend reading their articles as well as the original journal article (which they link to at the bottom of their articles). While Science Daily does not use many visuals on their site, the journal articles typically have unique graphs and visuals. Such as this one from the peanut allergy study: When reading the Science Daily articles, you should ask yourself questions as a test. In particular, run through these questions: What is the main point of the experiment? What was the hypothesis? How were the experiments supposed to validate the hypothesis? When looking at the visuals in the related journal articles, what is being depicted? This is how scientific research works, and this is what ACT Science expects you to be able to decipher. Suggestion #2: Do Well in Your Science Classes While your classes will likely be more challenging than the actual ACT science section, they'll also help you become more familiar with the scientific method and looking at scientific data. Review ACT Science while you take science classes. The more basic science terms you know, the easier the ACT Science section will be and the faster you will be able to answer questions. Suggestion #3: Practice As I said before, the Science section is more about reading graphs and tables,so you need to drill this skill.Also, the Science is one of the most time sensitive sections of the test.With only 5 minutes per passage and less than 1 minute per question, no matter how well you understand the material, you need practice.Find good study material. Check out these recommended books.Check out PrepScholar’s program.PrepScholar breaks down each section into the skills you need to master, then gives you focused practice on each skill. This way you work on your weaknesses, whether that's interpreting data or understanding the basis for experiments. What's Next? I hope understanding this brings you a big sigh of relief. You DON'T have to be a science expert to do well on ACT Science. But you DO need to know exactly how ACT Science tests you, and you need to know how to practice to excel at it. Learnthe 3 types of ACT Science passages, the only actual science you need to know for the ACT Science section, what's tested on ACT Science, andthe best way to read ACT Science passages. Like this article? Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Sciencelesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Friday, February 14, 2020

A company that provide great customer service in its industry Essay

A company that provide great customer service in its industry - Essay Example nt here to understand the concept which was coined by George Ritzer whereby he kept the name ‘McDonaldization’ which is in relevance with the continuation of Max Webers theories related with bureaucracies. (Bassett, 1992) Max Weber has put in place a definition related with bureaucracy as being a large hierarchical organization which governs the basis of formal rules and regulations and which forms a lucid arrangement of tasks that need to be undertaken. McDonald’s believes in satisfying its customers all over the globe as there is a premise to regard the customers as the most important entity for the existence of this international fast food chain. The customers for McDonald’s mean everything for them as they are the people who introduce new and fresh concepts into the restaurant industry every now and then. Workers at the restaurant are given the tasks to grill, preparing French fries, working the front register and lastly taking orders at the drive through windows present at the selected McDonald’s outlets. McDonald’s has a network of authority starting from the workers, crew chiefs, shift managers, salary managers and up till the owner of the outlet in essence. (Lowenstein, 1997) McDonald’s has enforced within the fast food chain an impartial application of rules and policies so that there is no compromise on this tenet at any cost. McDonalds has maintained highest quality standards, personalized greetings at the registers and doors as well as at the drive through windows. McDonald’s has attained the role of being a bureaucratic chain more so because it is the most efficient means of managing a diverse set of people across varied geographic locations and societal segments. This leaves one to wonder as to why the process of McDonaldization has attained so much success when one thinks about McDonald’s. One must attach special linkage with fresh changes and mind-blowing conceptual moves when there is a visualization of McDonald’s in the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

International relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

International relations - Essay Example These agreements terminated the first crisis and it was covered by both international and United States based media footages including New Yorks Times, the NBC, and CBS among other United States based media institutions as well as the non US based media institutions including the BBC, the Hindustan Times (India), the East African Standard, and the Peoples Daily (China) among others. However, later, the North Korea resumed its nuclear program that was only to be discovered by the United States thereby leading to the second North Korea Nuclear crisis that all these media institutions also highlighted with a lot of concern. Nuclear weapons activities are matters of gravity of international concerns (Levs 01). Therefore, different media are trying to unearth all the activities and programs in different parts of the world especially in North Korea. Both the United states based media and non united states based media are equally concerned with the nuclear activities taking place in North Korea and other parts of the world including Iranian nuclear ambitions. According to the the Peoples Daily (China), the Iran government holds that its nuclear programs have no ill intentions, but are in place for the benefits of its civilians. Regardless of almost equal concern, the United States media groups including the New York Times the NBC, and CBS among others have often reported every inch of nuclear activities in North Korea and Iran will equal concerns (NBC News Staff and Wire Reports 01). It should be noted that the New York times and BBC are almost the first media groups that report all nuclear developments in North Korea. For instance, the New York Times reported that the North Korea has successfully tested â€Å"†¦ new higher level †¦ explosive power and technology of its control (Sang-Hun 01).† It is a fact that all the world superpowers are concerned with the nuclear activities in North Korea since its clear target is not yet established. According to

Friday, January 24, 2020

In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present :: English Literature

In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different. In the poem Compose upon Westminster Bridge and London the poets present two very different and contrasting views of the same city. William Wordsworth view of London is positive and optimistic. William Blake on the other hand presents a very negative dismal picture of the city. William Wordsworth was born in 1770 and has always had a love of nature. He studied at Cambridge University, which later helped him to become the writer he always wanted to be. In 1787he wrote for the European magazine. In 1970 Wordsworth had an affair with a French girl who inspired him to write poetry but he still kept a close contact with his natural surroundings. Some of wordsworths best poems were under the title of The Prelude which was made up of Philosophical autobiographical poems in 1778 completed in 1805 but only only became published in 1850 also whilst on a trip in Germany he was inspired by nature and its natural surroundings to write more poems. Later on in life Wordsworth abandoned his radical ideas and became a patriotic, conservative public man. He then died in 1850. William Blake was born in 1957. Blake grew up in London and spent most of his life there, been educated by his mother .Not only did he become a poet but he was also a painter visionary mystic and an engraver he also printed his own books. Blake proclaimed the supremacy of the imagination over treating reason as the basic of belief and knowledge of the 18th century but failed to understand how shadowed his career actually was. Later on he experienced visions of angels and ghostly monks. He had his first book of poems in 1783 called poetical sketches and was followed by songs of innocence and songs of experience. His most famous poem was â€Å"The Tyger† as he wrote from a child’s understanding of London, Blake lived a prosperous life he didn’t leave himself any debts at the end of his career or life in 1827. William Wordsworth view of London is good as he looks at the beauty of the town and describes what the town is like using positive vocabulary which makes the poem sound strong also it helps you to visualise its surroundings. When I read this poem it made me feel that nothing could get as beautiful as London could as he sees it for what is made of â€Å"the fairest site on earth† and makes you want to be there as it sounds like a â€Å"grand† place to be.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Militarism: Iran & Nigeria Essay

Every state dreams of having stability and structure to properly govern and control its citizens. All states wish that they possessed such great structure, that every citizen of their country would be fully protected and looked after. However, there are some states that lack resources and are not capable to ensure the safety and well being of their citizens. Most states that offer solidity and organization more than likely have a strong military that have power within the government, referring to militarism. The concept of militarism states that it is â€Å"a strong military spirit or policy. [A] principle or policy of maintaining a large military establishment†[1]. Militarism goes beyond the thought of defense and battleship, it refers to the amount of power a military has over or with a government. With militarism comes the excessive spending on military and the military’s ability to have total control. Though is it important to have a strong relationship between military and the government, Nigeria and Iran have two separate ways of intertwining the two in their states. Nigeria is known for its strong military presence within the government. The degree of militarism in Nigeria is high because of their past history being under civilian rule. During the first forty years of Nigeria’s independence, this state only lasted ten years under a civilian government. A few years after the downfall of their civilian government, they soon fell under military rule. Nigeria has always been considered stronger and more power when they were controlled by their government, rather than following a democracy[2]; this exemplifies militarism. Although in Nigeria they tend to use their military to create a corruption within politics, other countries use their militaries for difference purposes. Iran has always had a mediocre military. Iran does not have a strong military, so their influence is of low impact on politics. The degree of militarism in Iran is subtle because they mostly focus on working with the citizens directly, rather than trying to govern them. With a broken military, all they have to offer is a societal impact. With the citizens of Iran, their military helps keep them in order while under governmental oversight. In Comparative Politics, it was stated, â€Å"since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the Iranian government has worked hard to maintain control of the military. [†¦] Rather than a strong military and a weak civilian government, Iran had a weak and fractured military alongside a strong civilian political institutions†[3]. Iran has always worked to fall under autonomy and flourish into a well developed independent state. There becomes a time where the military begins to overrule their government and take matters into their own hands. Currently, a lot of Nigerian citizens are realizing what has been going on for the past forty years and are starting to take action. In Iran, they continue to be content with civilians to governing their state, while the military stay under governmental watch to ensure that they do not do anything crazy. Both countries are lesser-developed countries, but when it comes to militarism, it all depends on what they citizens wish to fall under. Having a high degree of militarism is not always a good thing to have because the military having a heavy involvement in politics and governance will not end well due to budgeting, defense, and a positive societal impact. When citizens live under the governance of people, rational decisions are made. When citizens live under the governance of the military, more than likely fear amongst each other arises.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The And Metaphysical Idea Of Human Rights - 927 Words

Now that we have somewhat familiarized ourselves as to the foreign concept of what human rights can be described as, let us attempt to conceptually define this impalpable and metaphysical idea of human rights. Human rights are defined by one’s own personal truth: many people, especially those who lean more toward the right, can see them as something that is dispensable; something to interchange constantly when convenient and for those whom they feel are more deserving of the luxuries that come with it; I mean no disrespect by this, however I personally fail to see why a underdeveloped fetus, whom often is not much more than a blob of human cells cultivating has more of a right to life than say, a little boy whose family came here illegally for a better life and are then turned away, and essentially left for dead, and how a poor starving family is told that they are not worth a nominal tax raise and how though that fetus might be forced to stay alive against the mother’s will and right to choice because of shortcuts in state policy, her medical bill will not be paid for nor free universally, or how a child of war torn country who has never been able to afford childhood, is dismissed, discriminated against and seen as a terrorist, or how children working in sweatshops for less than a dollar across seas could be seen as by a party supporting ‘family values’ as morally acceptable, or even how thousands civilians can be innocently killed in a war over greed for oil companiesShow MoreRelatedReasons for the Rejection of Anti-Realism in Relation to Mental Disorders 1422 Words   |  6 Pagespresent two arguments that Graham proclaims support anti-realism. 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